08/02/1951 - 11/02/2023
Burial Date: TBD
Visitation for Billie will be held on Monday, November 13, 2023 at San Jose Funeral Home (10950 Pellicano dr.) from 4pm to 8pm, Funeral service will be held on Tuesday November 14, 2023 at Visitors Chapel AME Church located 518 N. Estrella, El Paso Texas 79903, at 12:00pm followed by final resting place at Fort Bliss National Cemetery.
Mr. Jose M. Rivera passed away on November 02, 2023, in El Paso, Texas. Visitation will be held, Thursday, November 09, 2023, at San Jose Funeral Home Central from 2 PM to 6 PM; with a Prayer Service at 3 PM.
Cremation to be held at a later date. For information, please call 915-532-1856.