06/16/1963 - 12/14/2023
Burial Date: December 20th, 2023
Services to be held on Wednesday 12/20/2023 at San Jose Funeral Home located at 10950 Pellicano Dr. El Paso TX. 79935 9 am to 12:30 pm.
A celebration of life will follow at Epmpoa Memorial Hall 3601 Rutherglen St. El Paso from 1 pm to 5pm.
Jeanette (Jan) McCullough passed away on 12/14/2023 at age 60 with her loving family by her
side. She was born to parents Robert Neal McCullough and Lidia Arellano McCullough on
06/16/1963. She held a Master Level Degree as a Speech Language Pathologist. Jan embraced her profession with such compassion and dedication. She spent over 33 yrs with EPISD before retiring at age 58. She continued practicing in the private sector as a part-time supervisor. Her smile and laughter was unmatchable. Most would tell you she had a heart of gold and a kindness that would show upon introduction. Jeanette is survived by her mother Lily McCullough, her long time partner and love, Pat Amaya, her four boys who she cherished and loved so dearly; Alec the eldest whose love for his mother gave him the characteristic of the protector. Aaron, the second in line, blessed her with her first grandchild; Ryan Ibarra. Tristan,
third in line gave her a pride like no other as she experienced her son marry the love of his life, Demi Veliz. Troy, her youngest, made her so proud when he obtained his Bachelors of Fine Arts degree. She is further survived by three brothers; Robert (Scooter), John, Philip (Tiger),
and two sisters; Lynn Longaker, Elizabeth McCullough, and her extended loving family of aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends. Jan will be missed terribly and her absence will leave a hole in many hearts that could never be filled. Her most precious memories will live in our minds and hearts forever.