09/18/1958 - 12/15/2023
Burial Date: December 28th, 2023
Funeral service will be on Thursday, December 28, 2023 from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm with recitation of the rosary at 11:00 am.
Scripture service at 12:00 pm at San Jose Funeral Home-East, 10950 Pellicano Dr., 79935 (915) 590-8700.
Burial at 1:30 pm at Evergreen East Cemetery at 12400 Montana Avenue, El Paso, TX 79938
Our beloved Father Fernando Medina aka El Yogi Bear gained his wings on 12/15/23 at the age of 65 years old due to a decline in his health. Fernando was a loved husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather, and brother. Fernando was born and raised in El Paso, TX by his mother Esther Medina and father Manuel Medina. He grew up with his parents with a total of 7 siblings (Ricardo, Sylvia, Marty, Elvira, Esther, Robert, Josie) in central El Paso and graduated from Jefferson High School in 1977. Fernando was a very kind and humble man throughout his entire life and had plenty of funny stories to tell. Fernando Medina was a very loved family man that adored his entire family. He loved to spend time with his lovely wife (Manuela Medina) which he adored and his 4 children (Mario, Alex, Veronica, Cesar). Fernando was blessed to also have grandchildren (Edward, Sydney, Alison, Junior, Noah, Mateo, Josiah) that brought so much joy into his life. Fernando had a career in truck driving for 25 years in which he loved to take trips to new cities or states to get to know the world one trip at a time. Fernando will be missed dearly by everyone that had the pleasure to meet him. At the end he was surrounded by the love of his family. Fernando was loved by many and will be carried in our hearts for eternity.